12x3" Chamber
24x1.5" Barrel
11x.5" meter with the T
bbq ignition
propane/mapp gas fuel.
Im filling the meter to about 18psi, which according to the calc is a little rich, but seems to fire a little stronger than right dead at 4.2%. Probably factor of i havent accurately measured the chamber, and the chamber isnt 100% air tight yet. I need to replace the screw on end cap with a ball valve or something.
Anyway, this is my second gun. First one was a few years ago that did well, but was very basic. Didnt even have the handle/trigger, used lysol for most shots. This one isnt as big, but shoots just as far.
few mods to come... Thinking about a chamber fan, possibly cleaning up the wiring/tape job to make it look a little better, and definatly getting rid of the screw on end cap. those a such a pain to remove after every shot