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Sat Jun 28, 2008 1:47 pm

I'm now working on the latest and last mod for my first launcher....a breech loading barrel and a tennis ball barrel. Since I already did the hard part this morning I'm now asking for advice for when I build my next launcher. Is there an easier way to "hog" out 2 1/2" fittings to accommodate the 2" pipe. I used a file locked into my bench vice. I first tried my Harbor Freight brand dremmel tool which is now in the trash. Any advice will be humbly accepted while I rest my arms.
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Sat Jun 28, 2008 1:54 pm

you can use a drill and slowly rub it around the inside of the pipe .
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Sat Jun 28, 2008 2:02 pm

i had the same problem with a 2 inch T. my dremel petered out on me so i clamped the T in the vise and used a half round wood rasp file, took a while but it worked better than a regular file.
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Sat Jun 28, 2008 2:16 pm

use tungsten carbide dremel cutting bits, the kind that look like a drill bit but cant drill (effectively at least). Their expensive, like 9usd a piece, but last a long time, ive only worn them out after extended periods of stone of metal cutting, and they go through pvc like a hot knife through butter, that being said, make any cuts/holes to pieces before assembling them together, because you can easily make a little adjustment too big and ruin a coupling of a length of pipe... but they do work perfectly for your use, used em when I made my silencer...
"<I>For dare to be peace, I have to keep at it everyday, da Man doesn't take days off so neither can I</I>" -<B>Bob Marley</B>, day before a performance, a day after being shot in the chest. "<I>If you are the big, big tree, we are the small axe, ready to cut you down!</I>" -Bob again :brave:
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Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:29 pm

Besides Dax's carbide bits you might try drywall bits. They are used to make the cutouts in drywall for electrical boxes. IIRC, they come in sets for a buck or two a bit. They are designed to cut with the flutes and won't work at all as drill bits since the tip is basically a solid guide. They come in versions that eject the waste forward (which I prefer) and versions that eject the waste towards the tool. ... 328758.dib
Any hardware store that has drywall should have these bits.

Given the speed and torque of a dremel type tool, you might want to practice a while before doing a $$$ fitting.
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