A place for general potato gun questions and discussions.
- Specialist 2
- Posts: 203
- Joined: Sun Aug 06, 2006 4:54 pm
Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:52 pm
dinsdale wrote:Thats funny, today I got 110 psi out of it.
By the way I'm not a teenager, I'm 24 but i just wont grow up.
I don't shoulder fire or hold my cannon, I stand it up on a pile of tires and use
a blowgun on a 2 foot hose to fire it. if it blows I know i'm not getting injured any more than I have been from other stupid crap i have done, and i still have 2 eyes, 10 fingers, 10 toes, and most of my teeth.
and, i'm canadian, i'm sure these things are illegal here anyway
Spud guns are LEGAL by Canadian Legislation.
It is a matter of municipal by-laws here. Ottawa allows them. Just call your Police Service ( I doubt you live in Toronto or Montreal, so you should be fine)
- Staff Sergeant 2
- Posts: 1685
- Joined: Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:28 pm
- Location: Michigan,U.S.A
Fri Sep 08, 2006 8:24 pm
SpudStuff, I am putting you on a text-alteration suspension. You are to use only the standard size, color, and style. The next time I see so much as a word in all capitals from you I will delete the entire post without even thinking twice about it.
You need to learn that people will not listen to a shithead who just yells to get his point across. Prove to us through solid explanations using quality instead of volume and maybe we will view you as having some kind of significant value to these forums.
While I'm ripping you a new one... is there a reason you find it acceptable to give people crap about their work when as far as I can see, you have posted ONE cannon? That one cannon not even being your own.
You are damn close to being permanently gone from here. You need to make it up by showing us, not telling us. I know you can make
something. Prove yourself worthy. I dare you.
Yay,thanks gort !!!
Persistence is a measure of faith in yourself