Mon May 12, 2008 8:51 pm
ITWOSY, I went out to my buddy's farm and fired a 7x air/propane, 8x air/propane, two 12x oxy/propane, and a 20x oxy/propane mix. To see how that all went, check out the thread "ME20H-41, by DYI".
We may need another rethink of our ideas about detonation, because not only am I still here, but so is the gun, and it's only SCH 40 welded steel with malleable iron fittings. The rear flame front can travel more than 7 chamber diameters before reaching the end of the chamber, and the mix was metered very accurately.
Spudfiles' resident expert on all things that sail through the air at improbable speeds, trailing an incandescent wake of ionized air, dissociated polymers and metal oxides.